Inside the Life of the Coadjutor Brothers of Miles Christi Testimony from Br. Francis Conte-Grand This is Br. Francis Conte-Grand and I wanted to take a few moments to share...
New Priestly Ordination Testimony from Fr. Claude Lombardo This past December, I had a very special event that I will never forget. I had the grace of traveling to Argentina...
The Sorrowful Mother Pilgrimage Testimony from Fr. John of God Bertin My name is Fr. John of God Bertin, a priest for Miles Christi, living in our community located in...
Priestly Ministry at High Schools Testimony from Fr. Paul de Soza I have the joy of carrying out most of my apostolate as a priest in two high schools here...
Young Adult Pilgrimage to Rome Testimony from Fr. Claude Lombardo Last month, I had the blessing of leading a pilgrimage to Rome for a group of young adults—twenty of us...
Arriving in San Diego Testimony from Fr. Ignatius Paz Hello dear friends of Miles Christi! Let me introduce myself: I am Fr. Ignatius Paz, a priest of Miles Christi. I...
A Month in Silence Testimony from Fr. Matthew Maxwell Who would spend a month in silence? Who would not only spend a whole month in silence, but spend most of...
Miles Christi at the Eucharistic Congress Testimony from Dcn. Benjamin King I was stuck. There was no way out. I was a kid, about ten-years-old, and I had become convinced...
Seeing the Work of Grace Testimony from Fr. Matthew Maxwell You might hear priests often say things like, “God is certainly at work here”, or “grace is certainly acting in...
The Mass Gave Us Strength Fr. Walter Ciszek was born in Shenandoah, PA, in 1904, and died in 1984. He felt called to the priesthood, so he entered the Society...
How to Make a Good Confession Whether you haven’t been to confession for several years, or whether you go a couple of times a month, you might want to make...
Spanish mystic, Doctor of the Church, reformer of the Carmelites and holy man with insight into God and the point of life, St. John of the Cross chose a religious...
“Do you not know,” was her answer to the threats of the prefect, “that I am the bride of my Lord Jesus Christ?” - St. Cecilia St. Cecilia’s vow of...
"With the sign of the Cross, I shall more certainly break through the ranks of the enemy than if armed with shield and sword." - St. Martin of Tours Frequently...
Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, have mercy on us. Patron saint to devotees of the Sacred Heart, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, born in 1647 was an only...
Though St. Faustina lived a short life, dying in 1938 at age 33 of tuberculosis, her words to the world by sharing Our Lord’s urgent message of Divine Mercy to...
“I beg of you, dear brother, to live among these books, to meditate upon them, to know nothing else, to seek nothing else. Does not such a life seem to...
Known for his eloquent speaking and unwavering preaching on the public sins of his time, St. John who earned the name Chrysostomos—"golden mouth” was an important early Church Father who...
“When we serve the poor and the sick we serve Jesus. We must not fail to help our neighbors, because in them we serve Jesus.” St. Rose of Lima Starting...
“To praise, to bless, to preach”. Saint Dominic The feast day of St. Dominic is celebrated on August 8. Known for his self denial, apostolic zeal, and holiness, St....
“Try to keep your soul always in peace and quiet, always ready for whatever our Lord may wish to work in you.” St. Ignatius of Loyola St. Ignatius was a man...
Today, July 16, is the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. First instituted in the 14th century, The feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel became part of the...
Today we celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Who better knows us than our parents, right? That’s exactly how we should view our Holy Mother: as the...
Today we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi, also called the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ. This feast day exists for one purpose: to honor...
Dear friends, We all need guides. GPSs to navigate unfamiliar roads. Instruction manuals to operate a new computer and most importantly, the power of the Holy Spirit to guide...
“Make of everything you can a sacrifice and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication, for the...
Today we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Catherine of Siena, a 12th century saint whose courage transcends millennia after millennia to inspire time and again a new generation of...
Dear friends, This is my last story of this series. Thanks for reading them and thanks for the feedback that I’ve received from so many of you! I would like...
Dear Friends, As you know, it's Holy Week. To help, here is how you can prepare your hearts and minds for this Sacred, Glorious week and weekend... Holy Thursday -...
Dear friends! They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So, this week I am going to send you some pictures that I hope will inspire you and...
Dear friends! A couple of years ago, I was traveling in Argentina to visit my family. To reach my destination, I needed to take two buses. With the first bus...
Dear friends! Greetings during this Holy Season of Lent! I hope you have been enjoying my Lenten updates. I hope they have helped you to grow closer to our Lord...
Greetings during this Holy Season of Lent! I hope you have been enjoying my Lenten updates. Most importantly, I hope they have helped you to grow closer to our Lord this...
Dear friends, Greetings, again, during this Holy Season of Lent. I hope and pray that this email finds you and your family well and safe. In my previous email,...
Dear friends, Greetings during this Holy Season of Lent! The season of Lent, as you may know, is a very busy time for us priests. In my case, I have been...
Dear friends, The season of Lent, as you know, is an incredibly busy time for us priests. I have been traveling all over, from Argentina where I met with our...
In the book of Genesis (Gn 14:10-17), we read how a group of local kings put together an expedition against Sodom, and other cities near the Dead Sea. They took...
If you visit Rome, at some point you will most certainly pass through the renowned Piazza Navona. One of the most picturesque public squares in Rome, it has the unique...
There is a beautiful baptismal font inside of Holy Mary Basilica. It is a tourist attraction, and above all, a place of pilgrimage, because it was there where Karol Józef...
Friends of Miles Christi, Much has happened and is continuing to happen in our world. And though 2020 (and now 2021) has brought much turmoil and darkness, it also brought...
Blessed Miguel Augustin Pro was born on January 13, 1891, in Guadalupe, Mexico, in the bosom of a good and practicing Catholic family. Miguel had a very good relationship with...
Today we celebrate the Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This feast dates to the 6th century in the East and to the 15th century in the...
By: Br. Andrew Bisio, MC Have you ever heard the word “Coadjutor Brother” or “lay Brother?” Probably not! That is because a “Coadjutor Brother” or a “lay Brother” is special...
By Matthew Zahn If you’re reading this, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve heard of Pope St. John Paul II. What’s the first thing you think of when you hear...
St. Therese of Lisieux died at the young age of 24, after spending 9 years as a Carmelite. She acquired, however, a great degree of sanctity in few years. So,...
Our Holy Mother Church gives Saint Michael the Archangel the highest place among the angels as she calls him "Prince of the heavenly host". Saint Michael manifested his strength and...
St. Pio of Pietrelcina is one of the most amazing saints I’ve ever read about. Better known as “Padre Pio”, this Capuchin Priest was born in Pietrelcina, Italy, on May...
The virgin’s name was Mary (Luke 2:27) On September 12, the Church celebrates the liturgical feast of the Holy Name of Mary. Although this feast was always celebrated in some...
By Fr. Gustavo Serpa, MC Late have I loved you, Beauty ever ancient and ever new, late have I loved you! These words were written by Augustine of Hippo, one...
Today we celebrate the memorial of St. Monica. Most of what we know about this saint comes from the writings of her famous son, St. Augustine. He was a sharp...
The good thing about the saints is that they were people made of flesh and bones, just like us, and they could reach a level of heroic virtue. Fast...
Friendships are not always smooth and unbreakable. I had a group of friends throughout my childhood, and as we got to be seniors in high school, I remember our friendship...
“It is difficult to believe in God when I can’t see Him” A very common concern that I encounter among young men and women, both in high school and even...
Abiding in Jesus' Love In today’s society we can often feel alone and anxious, even if at the same time we have thousands of followers on social media. The truth...
I have the joy of being a Chaplain and Spiritual Director at a Catholic High School in San Diego. Every year before graduation the students sign one another’s year books....
Our Life in Christ, God’s Life in Us When I was in high school, I remember asking our religion teacher which sins were mortal. My “plan” was to try to...
One of the toughest realizations I had when I started working with college students was the amount of Catholics who stop practicing their faith within the first year of school...
It’s About Speaking With God, Who Loves You Infinitely There is no question that spending time in daily prayer or reflection will help you find true interior freedom—but how can...
It Happens All The Time I’m seated in a crowded airplane about to take off. I’m on my way to lead a spiritual retreat. For some reason, whenever I’m at...
Saul was a passionate and committed Pharisee who had decided to put an end to the new “heresy” of Christianity. He asked for permission from the religious authority and headed...
It has been said that there is nothing so certain as death, and nothing so uncertain as the moment of death. Death is a mystery in so many ways. What...
From a spiritual approach, when we talk about “scruples” we are referring to a particular disposition or state of the soul by which a person tends to see sin everywhere,...
He who sings prays twice. I've heard that phrase attributed to at least a dozen different saints: St. John Bosco, St. Philip Neri, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Augustine, St....
There are many people who enjoy fishing. I’m one of them. I really enjoy catching trout in the lakes and rivers of Patagonia. Or at least, trying to… What does...
Have you ever wanted a GPS… but for your life? God’s voice—the inspirations of the Holy Spirit—are kind of like a Divine Garmin; the only problem is that we don’t...
It’s not always that easy It always amazed me to read how some saints had a very hard time praying. Sometimes, like in the cases of St. Teresa of Avila...
Each day, month, and year brings us new opportunities to praise, bless, and thank God for the many blessings He pours upon us. Among the countless benefits we have received,...
Whether it be going off to college or starting your first job after graduating, undergoing any major lifestyle shift will prompt you to ask yourself who you are and where...
There is a weird kind of “sport” that every now and then we are tempted to practice, which consists of comparing ourselves with others, either in human matters or spiritual...
In the midst of our path here on Earth, the well-known phrase “hoping against hope” can be a key for us to confront our daily difficulties with courage and peace....
Relationships, whether with friends or family, can be the source of many good things: first of all, friendship, but also growing, learning, teaching, loving, and being loved. But relationships can...
In the first book of Kings we read how the prophet Elijah went to the mountain to encounter the Lord. There he could perceive a strong and violent wind, but...
It is a reality for all of us, at least in certain moments of our life, that we may find it difficult to forgive, especially if the offense committed against...
“Do whatever He tells you” is one of the rare sentences that we have in Scripture from our Lady, and it is a command, or, at the very least, a...
Those of us who know the treasure we have in our faith and in our relationship with God know how much everyone needs Jesus – His love, His mercy, His...