Our Lord said to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque on revealing His Heart to her: “Look at this Heart which has loved men so much, and yet men do not want to love Me in return…” Christ loves, and is not
Each saint has contributed something of his own to the bountiful tree of Catholic spirituality. St. Benedict of Nursia, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Teresa of Avila, and many others, have bequeathed with their eminent teaching truly admirable gifts to
1) An incessant reminder of divine transcendence, 2) the alluring power of liturgical beauty, and 3) an increase in the “sense of the Church” — these are the great benefits which participation in solemn Catholic liturgy provides, if it remains
We are approaching the month of May, a month especially dedicated to honoring and venerating the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the month of flowers for our Blessed Mother. We all need this filial devotion to Mary, and during this month
“‘The joy of the Apostles was so great that they still could not believe it.’ (Lk 24:41). Now there was reason for joy, but their trepidation still remained. What had occurred was incredible, but it had truly occurred. Is it
In Miles Christi we want love for the glorious St. Joseph to be rooted in the depths of our hearts. St. Joseph is the patron of our entire Institute and is our “model of the interior life, of perfect fidelity,
Unless an ample place is given to prayer, there can be no true spiritual life. Therefore, every Catholic spirituality must give a preeminent place to prayer. How then does Miles Christi understand this essential role of prayer? In the life
The season of Lent began with Ash Wednesday: “The days of penance have come: let us expiate our sins and save our souls,” the Church prayed on that day. Its name — Quadragésima in Latin — refers to the canonical
A favorite motto of St. Teresa of Calcutta was: “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” This saying is very simple, yet it can have a profound impact on our
The following are excerpts from an interview with and a conference talk by Most. Rev. Héctor Aguer, Archbishop Emeritus of La Plata, Argentina. “The cultural situation today is highly complex and contradictory because at the moment in which, seemingly, society