Dear friends! A couple of years ago, I was traveling in Argentina to visit my family. To reach my destination, I needed to take two buses. With the first bus ride, I was supposed to arrive at a connecting station
Dear friends! Greetings during this Holy Season of Lent! I hope you have been enjoying my Lenten updates. I hope they have helped you to grow closer to our Lord this season. In my previous emails, I shared stories
Greetings during this Holy Season of Lent! I hope you have been enjoying my Lenten updates. Most importantly, I hope they have helped you to grow closer to our Lord this season. The first week, I sent you an email
Dear friends, Greetings, again, during this Holy Season of Lent. I hope and pray that this email finds you and your family well and safe. In my previous email, I shared a story about a young man that I
Dear friends, Greetings during this Holy Season of Lent! The season of Lent, as you may know, is a very busy time for us priests. In my case, I have been traveling all over, from weekend retreats, meetings, in addition to
Dear friends, The season of Lent, as you know, is an incredibly busy time for us priests. I have been traveling all over, from Argentina where I met with our Superior General, to apostolate work, specifically many retreats. It was
In the book of Genesis (Gn 14:10-17), we read how a group of local kings put together an expedition against Sodom, and other cities near the Dead Sea. They took many prisoners, and also a large booty. Among the prisoners
If you visit Rome, at some point you will most certainly pass through the renowned Piazza Navona. One of the most picturesque public squares in Rome, it has the unique shape of an ancient Roman stadium because it was just
There is a beautiful baptismal font inside of Holy Mary Basilica. It is a tourist attraction, and above all, a place of pilgrimage, because it was there where Karol Józef Wojtyła (later Pope St. John Paul II) was baptized as
Friends of Miles Christi, Much has happened and is continuing to happen in our world. And though 2020 (and now 2021) has brought much turmoil and darkness, it also brought much good and light. One of the beautiful “things” from