The Mass Gave Us Strength Fr. Walter Ciszek was born in Shenandoah, PA, in 1904, and died in 1984. He felt called to the priesthood, so he entered the Society of Jesus, better known as the “Jesuits”. Soon after, in
Known for his eloquent speaking and unwavering preaching on the public sins of his time, St. John who earned the name Chrysostomos—”golden mouth” was an important early Church Father who later was named a Doctor of the Church. St
Today we celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Who better knows us than our parents, right? That’s exactly how we should view our Holy Mother: as the one person on this earth who knew Jesus the best.
Today we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi, also called the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ. This feast day exists for one purpose: to honor the real presence of the body (corpus) of Jesus Christ
“Make of everything you can a sacrifice and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication, for the conversion of sinners.” Words spoken by the Angel of Peace
Today we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Catherine of Siena, a 12th century saint whose courage transcends millennia after millennia to inspire time and again a new generation of souls who aspire for saintly holiness and greatness. One
In the book of Genesis (Gn 14:10-17), we read how a group of local kings put together an expedition against Sodom, and other cities near the Dead Sea. They took many prisoners, and also a large booty. Among the prisoners
If you visit Rome, at some point you will most certainly pass through the renowned Piazza Navona. One of the most picturesque public squares in Rome, it has the unique shape of an ancient Roman stadium because it was just
There is a beautiful baptismal font inside of Holy Mary Basilica. It is a tourist attraction, and above all, a place of pilgrimage, because it was there where Karol Józef Wojtyła (later Pope St. John Paul II) was baptized as
Blessed Miguel Augustin Pro was born on January 13, 1891, in Guadalupe, Mexico, in the bosom of a good and practicing Catholic family. Miguel had a very good relationship with his older sister, and after she joined a cloistered convent,