Saturday, March 15
8:30am Holy Mass | Saturday of the First Week of Lent
9:15am Registration & Refreshments
9:45am The Devotion to the Sacred Heart: A Historical Approach (Dr. Robert Fastiggi)
10:45am Break
11:00am Christological Foundations of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart (Dr. Lawrence Feingold)
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Holy Rosary [Chapel]
1:25pm Spiritual Talk | Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament [Chapel] | Time for personal prayer | Priests available for Confessions
2:30pm Benediction
2:50pm Secrets of the Sacred Heart: Twelve Ways to Claim Jesus’ Promises in Your Life (Emily Jaminet)
3:45pm Q&A with Dr. Lawrence Feingold, Dr. Robert Fastiggi, and Emily Jaminet
4:30pm First Day Ends
5:45pm Young Adult Night at the Miles Christi Family Center
Sunday, March 16
8:30am Holy Mass | Second Sunday of Lent
9:30am Registration & Refreshments
10:00am The Essential Elements of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart (Dr. Lawrence Feingold)
10:50am Break
11:00am The Sacred Heart, the Nations and the World (Dr. Robert Fastiggi)
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Holy Rosary
1:25pm Spiritual Talk | Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament [Chapel] | Time for personal prayer | Priests available for Confessions
2:25pm Benediction
2:40pm Forming our Heart in the School of the Sacred Heart (Fr. John of God Bertin, MC)
3:40pm Q&A with Dr. Lawrence Feingold, Dr. Robert Fastiggi, and Fr. John of God Bertin
4:30pm Conference Conclusion