Young Adult Trip to the National Eucharistic Congress
Eastern U.S. | Indianapolis, Indiana

Event Overview

Join Miles Christi with other Young Adults to the National Eucharistic Conference!


When: We will leave Thursday, July 18th (around 5pm), and return on Sunday, July 21st. Details TBD.

Travel: We will carpool and split the travel cost (fuel, etc.).

Tickets: Each person is responsible for buying their own pass to the congress. If you are traveling with us, you must buy the passes for Friday + Weekend. Total: $220 (if you are 19+) and $155 (If you are 18). TICKETS TO THE CONGRESS ARE SELLING OUT!

Please: If you are seriously interested in coming with us, let us know as soon as possible. Space in our group is limited! So, please contact us sooner rather than later.

If you are sure you want to come, go ahead and buy your tickets to the Congress, then let us know. We will inform you about the breakout sessions our group will attend.

Let us know your coming at: or call the office at 248-596-9677

Click here for more detailed information!


When & Where

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