Young Adult Night

Event Overview

Young adults are invited to join Miles Christi after the first day of the Miles Christi Conference for Study and Prayer for some indoor winter fun!

If you came three years ago to the Young Adult Night, you would recall the unforgettable Knights who joined us for an epic evening of fun and games. If you were not able to come in 2022, somehow forgot what happened, or want to have a foretaste of this year’s Young Adult Night, watch this video below! Those same Knights…are returning!


If you are not attending the Conference for Study & Prayer, but would still like to attend the Young Adult’s Night, please RSVP at or call the office at 248-596-9677. We also ask for a $5.00 donation to help cover the cost of the event.


If you plan on attending the Conference for Study & Prayer, no donation is necessary. Please RSVP while filling out the registration form here.

When & Where

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