Have time for another story?
March 10, 2021 | Miles Christi
Dear friends,
Greetings, again, during this Holy Season of Lent. I hope and pray that this email finds you and your family well and safe.
In my previous email, I shared a story about a young man that I met on a plane. The feedback that I received was encouraging, so I thought I would share yet another story with you. Meet Edna…

Edna, who is 91-years young, recently attended a retreat of ours, and, I must say, was the perfect retreatant if one ever existed. At the end of the retreat I asked her what the best part of the retreat for her had been. She said, “All the retreat was great, but I think that the best for me was that I could rediscover the value of the Holy Mass.”
This answer struck me as one of the most profound answers I have ever received. Why? Because we are Catholics for one reason: The Holy Eucharist which is the Source and Summit of our faith. And we get the Holy Eucharist through the Holy Mass, our Eucharistic Celebration. Edna rediscovered the True Purpose of our faith. Like those on the Road to Emmaus whose eyes were opened at the moment of the breaking of the bread, the eyes of Edna’s heart were opened during our retreat, re-awakening her to a deeper, more full understanding of the Holy Mass and its meaning. Edna had a Eucharistic Awakening. So, too, should we.
This week, I would encourage and challenge you to ask our Lord to make Himself known more deeply and fully to you through the Holy Mass.
You can:
1) Go to daily Mass at least 3 extra times this week.
2) Watch our
videos (from Advent) on the Holy Eucharist.
3) PRAY – ask our Lord for the grace of a Eucharistic Awakening. As Edna can attest to, your life will never be the same when you do…
I will be back in touch again soon, and in the meantime, I do hope that you will be able to join us for tonight’s
YouTube Live, as well as
support our Lenten efforts. Thank you in advance for your consideration, and thank you for all that you do on behalf of our Lord’s Church
For His Church,
Fr. Claude, MC